case — When,

                                                podcasts came along in the mid 2000s, they put the power of broadcasting in the hands of the people. Free podcasts about any subject under the sun—culture, food, finance, comedy, public policy—were available with the click of a mouse and you could listen to it anywhere your ipod could go. Commutes became less soul-draining, bad videogame music could be replaced with hilarious conversation, and the potential of audio broadcasting came a little closer into focus. Here are my favorite music-related podcasts to make your day go by a little quicker. They’re all available for listening and subscription in the spotify store.


— 18.795 — The best tracks - Enter


— 713 — The best single - Enter

— 272 — The best on - Enter


— 38 — Drummond records release - Enter

— 1.078 — The best albums - Enter


— 33 — Drift's music - Enter


My music collection is

available for free download in pdf format (17,4mb).

— 47.332 — 


— 05.860 —


— 02.022 —



Last update 16th February 2021.

Drift’s “Music to inspire a new direction”.

09/2019     08/2019     07/2019     06/2019     05/2019     04/2019     03/2019     02/2019     01/2019

12/2018     11/2018     10/2018     09/2018     08/2018     07/2018     06/2018     05/2018     04/2018     03/2018     02/2018     01/2018

12/2017     11/2017     10/2017     09/2017     08/2017     07/2017     06/2017     05/2017     04/2017     03/2017     02/2017     01/2017

Listen releases — '21 —

Listen releases — '20 —

Listen releases — '19 —

Listen releases — '18 —


Listen releases — '17 —

Listen releases — '16 —